Digital Marketing

Discover How To Increase Engagements On Your Website – 2019

What you’ll learn

  • In this step-by-step video course, you will get to watch over my shoulder as I show you things that can increase engagement in your WordPress site..
  • You will learn latest strategies and hacks, that Google searches did not teach you..

Course Content

  • The Course.


  • A strong will to learn and a focused mind..

If you are a business owner with a WordPress site – then you need to increase your visitor engagement if you want more leads, sales, and profits.

Getting your customers to interact with you is crucial. The more they engage – the more they will come to know, like, and trust you.

Now to create a fantastic experience for your visitors, there are several different things that we’ll be focusing on to ensure you get these straight.

The first is – how fast your site loads. Think about it for a second. Nowadays, attention spans are getting shorter.

If you go to a site and it takes 20 seconds to load, would you be willing to wait, or would you go back to Google and look for another one? You’d probably go back to Google.

Unless, of course, it’s a site you’ve been to before and you like it.

Secondly, there are areas of your site that you can enhance to make it more engagement friendly.


Who this course is for:
  • All Levels

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